Frequently Asked Questions
To locate an FYFL club in your area, use our Club Finder. You can then contact that club for more information, such as how/when to sign up, costs, etc. If you have further questions, use our website contact form.
Each individual FYFL registration cost varies. A typical registration fee for each athlete usually ranges from about $50 to $200; however, some clubs may include other fees, such as mandatory fundraising, football or cheer/dance packages, etc.
Clubs have options with how to structure their program. A football athlete is placed in a division based on his or her age by July 31st of the current year, with the exception of the 6U and 13U age divisions. A cheer athlete is placed in a division based on his or her age for the calendar year.
FYFL requires its athletes to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to participate. We believe that the standards we have set give our student-athletes a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation for academics and athletics that will help them develop later on in life. Therefore, proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0 GPA/70% or the equivalent is the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. Those who do not meet this requirement, or home-schooled students can still participate if they follow the alternative eligibility process, which is monitored by progress reports.
FYFL has a long history of providing a safe environment for all members. Kids compete with kids of similar age. FYFL sets and enforces a strict Age Matrix that reduces the risk and reality of injuries. Datalys Institute’s research data shows that USA Heads-Up Football Training has 87% fewer injuries than non-Heads-Up Leagues.
Every volunteer MUST attend an annual FYFL Football/Cheer Coach's Certification and pass an annual Level II Background Check.
Additionally EVERY football volunteer MUST attend a Educational course and EVERY cheer volunteer MUST attend a bi-annual Stunt certification.
If there are currently no FYFL clubs in your town/city [check here first], and you would like to start one, please fill out our contact form. We can help answer any questions you may have, give you details about start-up costs, get you some marketing materials to help publicize, and fill you in on grants/aide that are available for new clubs.
Volunteers are the most important part of FYFL. We have approximately 1500 volunteers that continue to drive our leads! To volunteer for your local club, please use the Club Finder to contact them about helping out. FYFL Clubs are required to conduct annual Level II background checks of Coaches, Board of Directors, and any other persons and/or volunteers who have access to or contact with football and cheer/dance athletes.